Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Taking shape

Getting settled in as are the cats. It's great to be home! Lots to do...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Back in Seattle!

On Saturday I packed up the Subie and trailer, cleaned out my apartment and set out for Seattle. The trip was smooth, I was able to go 60mph the whole way, and made it in nine hours. Now I'm settling in and unpacking boxes, thrilled to be back in Seattle.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Had a delightful dinner chez Claudia, and otherwise packed the day away in preparation for a Saturday morning departure.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Final Countdown...

A few of us got together last night at Gary's house for a final farewell. It was a lovely evening sipping wine, eating hors d'oeuvres, and telling stories.

Today was my last day at the office. Good luck, so long, and farewell Forest Service!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Final weekend in Missoula

Getting into the final this and final that mode, where I start thinking about all the things I wanted to do but never got around to, friends made, mistakes, and highlights. It's a process that I've gone through a lot in life, and while there are always some regrets it always feels edifying in the end.

Today was a warm and drizzly day, and Jennie and I hiked up Mt. Sentinel to get some exercise and pontificate about all those big questions like following your bliss, religion, choosing where to live, relationships, etc.

Now it's time to stay focused and make sure the transition to Seattle is as smooth as possible and I'm prepared for everything that lies ahead. I still have one more week here so the adventures are definitely not over yet.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Finally... Snow!

It's a lazy Sunday, doing some research on the latest fisheries issues in Western Washington and watching the snow fly. The kitties are seeing snow for the first time and they love it! Took a hike up Mt Sentinel and it felt great to get out in the crisp air and get the pulse up.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Fire's Burning (in my belly)

Last week I joined the Superior Fire Crew for a prescribed burn in an old logging unit. It was lots of fun, and our fire folks are really impressive when it comes to burning stuff up and keeping things in control, which can be like holding a tiger by its tail, as one firefighter said.

Big changes are on the horizon for me. Last week I decided to resign from the Forest Service effective November 27, without having another job lined up yet. After almost four years with the agency I have concluded that the organizational culture is incompatible with my non-career needs, and so now I am returning to Seattle and hoping that some job applications I have submitted will come through.

It's scary to walk away from a permanent job that pays around 70k and is loaded with benefits, but it's important for me to live life right - which means following my heart and making things work out with my head. Seattle, friends, the Cascades & Olympics, progressive culture, here I come!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Like a Virgin... Island

Last week was wonderful. First I went to Portland to attend the Society of American Forester's annual conference. My colleague Kate and I put up a booth for the Forest Service and took in job applications. While there I got to chat with the Chief, and meet some really cool folks.

After that things got really interesting. I went to the island of St John in the American Caribbean to celebrate the marriage of two amazing human beings and very good friends, Jon and Aimee. The water was turquoise and the sand fine, sea turtles abounded, and the whole trip was full of great people and fun times. The only sad part was that I had to leave right as the sailing trip got under way.