Monday, February 25, 2008

Is it spring already?

We have been having balmy weather for the last ten days or so. I'm loving it, riding the bikes tons, and getting stuff done. I have a lot of dreams right now, but one reality I'm dealing with, which is the need to find gainful employment. Time to start working the networks and really hunting down some contracts. March is right around the corner and I am optimistic about what will come to fruition.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Riding Again

I can ride my bicycle around again! I have been tentative about riding around with my hurt knee, but yesterday rode 27 miles all around town with Stephen and Jon, and it was fine! It was totally awesome to get some exercise and realize that I don't have to drive much any more, especially since we have had nine straight days of brilliant sunshine and warm weather.

Friday I drove up to B'ham with Jeff and Doug. Alan and Rachel threw an awesome dinner party, and Marlin and Christine were visiting from Santa Cruz. It was great to catch up with them and meet a bunch of other cool folks like Nate and Jessica.

Marlin, Christine, & Doug have bikepacked all around the world. Amazing stuff. Check out M&C's amazing 3d slideshow website.

On Saturday Doug and I split early and the other guys had an amazing day of skiing. B*&^%rds!). I'll be good to go this spring, if there's any snow left...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

Thanks Julie, for pointing out the lunar eclipse last night! The moon was right outside my bedroom door and I spent a pleasant celestial moment checking it out.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Straight Edge

That's right! Ha ha, I like it!!! It was scary decision though. Now I have to get up extra early every day to shave it up. By crazy coincidence I met up with Lawrence at Rudy's. Then I bought a new battery for my motorcycle and went and had lunch with Karin in Pioneer Square. OK, back to work!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


The days are flying by. I can gimp around pretty good and hope I can start riding my bicycle soon. Right now I'm working on a new website and business plan. Other than that I've been really social hanging out with friends around town. Saw Into the Wild, produced by Sean Penn and adapted from John Krakaur's 1996 book. It was really good, and definitely struck a huge chord in me.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Torn MCL!

On Sunday I tore my MCL on the inside of my left knee during a ski crash. You can see the tear on the right side of the knee in the image above, high up on the white ligament. Bad timing, but fortunately the tear isn't catastrophic so no surgery is required and I can get around with a brace. Unfortunately, no more skiing for me this season. My doctor will look at the MRI today and give me her official diagnosis...