This might be news to some, but Missoula and the surrounding area have lots of great fishing, and the region is particularly coveted by fly-fishers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_River_Runs_Through_It. The rivers and streams are accessible, crystal clear, and full of luscious pebbles for laying fish eggs. There are tons of pools, logs, and bugs and all the other stuff fish love so much. There are also dams, roads, piles of mine waste, rampant human development and other stuff that the endemic fish don't like. Front and center are the invasive species, especially rainbow trout that think cutthroat trout are sexy and want to dilute their prized gene pool. So for the next four months I am going to do my best to promote healthy human-native fish cohabitation in Montana, North Dakota, and Idaho. How well things turn out will certainly have a bearing on what happens come March...
Y'know I just noticed that you're using my pictures for your little happy, contemplative, sad, angry, etc. headshots on here!!! And no photographer credit??? I hope you know that you'll be paying me royalties for each view this page gets. I take personal checks and PayPal too.
Better get ready to send Stephen a big fat check cosidering how much traffic this site gets.
oh yes sorry...
ladies and gentlemen, please let me thank master photog Bentsen, most gracious purveyor of fine portraiture and collectionaire of debts both large and small.
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