Friday, June 22, 2007

Summer Solstice...

Life is good. Counting down the days to Hawaii (5), getting out, & working hard. Finally got a fly fishing setup, and tomorrow I'm going to float the W. Fork of the Bitterroot with Max. Now all I need to do is learn how to cast.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Congratulations to Stephen, now officially a professional engineer!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Over the weekend I went climbing with Brett and Christine at Lolo Pass. Just off the highway there are huge granite crags looming large in the pine forest. It was great climbing, but I am rusty and it was chilly. Last Friday I saw my third mountain lion ever!!!!! I rode up the Rattlesnake about 10 miles after work and on my way back down saw a big 90 - 100 pound kitty in the trail looking at me, then it ran up the hill. Wow!!! That was the best look I ever got. On Thursday I saw my first montana bear. It was a young black bear, nice and chubby, running up the road as my colleague and I were driving up to Hoodoo Pass.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Life's big decision points, you know, like those times when love and or career are at a crossroads, really matter and you got to take them seriously. How does it feel, how will it feel, what does the future hold? You got to be one with uncertainty, go with the best answer you can come up with, then you can go back to living in the moment, and get into the journey... Can't wait.

Monday, June 11, 2007

This has been a most perfect weekend in Seattle. Friday afternoon I loaded up the moto and made the 500 mile trek to Seattle via I-90. The weather was perfect and the highway rolled by like winding ribbon across the landscape. Got there just in time to celebrate multiple graduations with tons of great friends at Suzie and Joseph's house. On Sunday Stephen, Jon, and I wandered around the city in the rain doing lots of things I miss like drinking a perfect cup of espresso, eating amazing Thai food, and in general traipsing around town. Sunday night we celebrated Jimmy's birthday at a party complete with old friends, new ones, great dancing, food, and conversation. Monday came too soon, and after a nice brunch on Lake Washington with good friends I made the rainy ride back on my trusty steed...

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Congratulations to Suzie, Jeff, & Mary who are graduating this week after a long and winding road through grad school!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

June Bugs

June has gotten off to a good start! After Stephen and Jon left I went fly fishing on Rock Creek, explored the Rattlesnake via mountain bike, and hiked up to a little summit above Bass Creek in the Bitterroot. It got up to 90 degrees today, but as the afternoon wore on thunderstorms started hitting the backside of the mountains, making for some great light.