Sunday, September 16, 2007

Weekend of Moto and Rafting on the Tieton River

photo courtesy of Osprey Rafting Guides

This was a great weekend: Met up with Stephen and his coworkers in central-Washington for some rafting and camping along the gorgeous Tieton River. It was time spent with good company, lots of laughter, and in the great outdoors. The river was very exciting with lots of waves, big holes, rocks to bump, a diversion dam, and the opportunity to rescue people after they got thrown out of the raft.

Overall I put in over 900 miles of motorcycling to get out there and back, and Stephen and I finished up the weekend with a fun tour of the Yakima Canyon. Tight, twisty, and scenic - just how I like it... Otherwise I-90 is dreadfully boring except some stretches on the Idaho/Montana border.

1 comment:

fixiewrek said...

Great times my friend. The canyon was a great way to finish off the weekend with you.